Responsibilities for all Executive Committee Members
- approve proposed amendments to the Constitution;
- enact Bylaws and amend existing Bylaws;
- set the time and place for annual meetings of the Chapter;
- solicit, prepare, and submit nominations for Fellow as appropriate;
- elect Chapter Honorary Members;
- issue public statements in the name of the Chapter;
- establish annual dues;
- levy special assessments;
- approve petitions before the Society for establishment of Chapter sections, oversee section operations, and recommend section disbandment;
- petition the Society to charter student and student affiliate chapters, support student and student affiliate chapter activities, and recommend student and student affiliate chapter charter revocation;
- designate and relieve an acting president;
- take action when a Chapter officer fails to act;
- approve the slate for annual and special elections;
- break ties in annual and special elections;
- fill Executive Committee vacancies occurring during term;
- designate nonvoting members of the Executive Committee;
- create and abolish standing committees and other committees;
- provide advice and counsel to the president on committee appointments;
- establish Chapter goals and objectives;
- adopt Chapter programs and budgets; administer contracts, authorize expenditures, and serve as custodian of all Chapter property;
- direct staff activities and contract support services;
- prepare Chapter annual reports including year-end financial statements;
- perform such other functions as are customary for the executive committee of a chapter, or as may be assigned or delegated by the Full Members of the Chapter or the Board of Trustees of the Society.
Specific Officers and Members
- The trustee shall be informed on Chapter and Society goals and objectives, policies and procedures, programs and services, and activities and events.
They also:
- serve as an officer on the Executive Committee of the Chapter and serve as the Chapter representative on the Board of Trustees of the Society;
- facilitate the conduct of the business of the Society by bringing the Chapter perspective to the Board of Trustees and the national perspective to the Executive Committee and members of the Chapter;
- facilitate the conduct of the business of the Board of Trustees by serving on standing councils or committees, special study groups or task forces, or as a representative or delegate of the Society;
- perform such other duties as are customary for the office of chapter trustee, or as may be assigned or delegated by the Board of Trustees of the Society and the Executive Committee of the Chapter.
The trustee shall be a Full Member elected for a term of three (3) years. The trustee shall not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.
The president shall:
- set the time, place, and agenda for meetings of the Executive Committee;
- call special meetings of the Chapter;
- preside at meetings of the Chapter and the Executive Committee;
- represent and act for the Chapter as directed by the Executive Committee and consistent with the policies of the Society as established by the Board of Trustees;
- in consultation with the Executive Committee, appoint the chairs and members of standing committees, other committees, and any special study groups or task forces;
- dismiss appointees for failure to act or other cause;
- serve as a member of the Chapter Presidents Council; oversee the management and administration of Chapter programs and budgets as adopted by the Executive Committee;
- designate and relieve an acting president;
- appoint interim trustees when vacancies occur during term;
- provide supporting statements to the Society for Emeritus Status, Limited Status, Temporary Limited Status, and Waver of Dues applicants;
- report on the state of the Chapter at the annual meeting of the Chapter;
- appoint a section chair or co-chairs for approval by the Executive Committee and perform such other duties as are customary for the office of chapter president, or as may be assigned or delegated by the Executive Committee.
The president shall be a Full Member, will have served as the president-elect, and will serve for a term of one (1) year.
The president-elect shall:
- in consultation with the Executive Committee, select for appointment when he or she assumes office as president the chairs and members of standing committees, other committees, and any special study groups or task forces;
- represent and act for the Chapter as directed by the president and consistent with the policies of the Society as established by the Board of Trustees;
- serve as acting president when designated by the president or the Executive Committee;
- perform such other duties as are customary for the office of chapter president-elect, or as may be assigned or delegated by the president.
The president-elect shall be a Full Member elected for a term of one (1) year.
Immediate Past President
The immediate past president shall:
- represent and act for the Chapter as directed by the president and consistent with the policies of the Society as established by the Board of Trustees;
- serve ex-officio as a member of the Nominating Committee;
- serve as acting president when designated by the president or the Executive Committee;
- perform such other duties as are customary for the office of chapter immediate past president, or as may be assigned or delegated by the president.
The immediate past president shall be a Full Member serving for a term of one (1) year.
The secretary shall:
- maintain a record of the proceedings of the business meetings of the Chapter and the Executive Committee;
- prepare and issue notices of the meetings of the Chapter and the Executive Committee;
- prepare, issue, and receive ballots;
- administer annual and special elections and notify candidates of election results;
- serve ex-officio as a member of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee;
- maintain the Constitution and Bylaws of the Chapter;
- certify documents; and perform such other duties as are customary for the office of chapter secretary, or as may be assigned or delegated by the president.
The secretary shall be a Full or Associate Member elected for a term of two (2) years.
The treasurer shall:
- collect all fees, dues, charges, and other funds due the Chapter;
- be the custodian of all Chapter funds and disburse such funds only as authorized by the Executive Committee;
- keep the accounts of the Chapter that shall be open at all times to inspection by the Executive Committee;
- present quarterly reports on the financial condition of the Chapter and year-end financial statements to the Executive Committee;
- perform such other duties as are customary for the office of chapter treasurer, or as may be assigned or delegated by the president.
The treasurer shall be a Full or Associate Member elected for a term of two (2) years.
At-Large Members
The at-large members shall:
- be informed on Chapter goals and objectives, policies and procedures, programs and services, and activities and events;
- serve as a members of and represent the section on the Executive Committee of the Chapter;
- facilitate the conduct of the business of the Chapter;
- facilitate the conduct of the business of the Executive Committee serving on standing or other committees, special study groups, or task forces;
- perform such other duties as may be assigned or delegated by the Executive Committee of the Chapter.
In this Chapter, At-Large Members will also be assigned to serve in the Section Chair role for their region of the Commonwealth. Section Chair duties include:
- be informed on Chapter goals and objectives, policies and procedures, programs and services, and activities and events;
- serve as nonvoting member of and represent their respective sections on the Executive Committee of the Chapter;
- facilitate the conduct of the business of the Chapter by bringing their section perspective to the Executive Committee and the Chapter perspective to the members of their sections;
- facilitate the conduct of the business of the Executive Committee serving on standing or other committees, special study groups, or task forces;
- perform such other duties as are customary for the position of section chair or co-chairs, or as may be assigned or delegated by the Executive Committee of the Chapter.
The at-large members shall be Full or Associate Members elected for a term of two (2) years.